What are the Costs of Attending Theatre Arts Programs in Riverside, California?

If you are considering attending a theatre arts program in Riverside, California it is important to understand the associated costs. This article provides an overview of tuition fees, room and board costs, books and supplies expenses as well as miscellaneous expens

What are the Costs of Attending Theatre Arts Programs in Riverside, California?

Riverside Community College (RCC) offers a unique way to collect accounts receivable balances for both financial and non-financial aid obligations for students. This debt will not be reported to any of the major credit bureaus, and COTOP will intercept any tax refunds, lottery winnings, or unclaimed assets owed to it. During the pandemic, RCC has created nearly 100 video resources, including art classes, lectures on artistic pedagogies, presentations by art experts, podcast interviews with artists and information on art competitions. If you are considering attending a theatre arts program in Riverside, California, it is important to understand the associated costs. The following estimates are based on living in Riverside County and attending one of the universities in the Riverside Community College District.


Tuition fees vary depending on the type of program you are enrolled in.

For instance, a full-time student enrolled in a Bachelor's degree program at RCC can expect to pay around $2,400 per semester. This cost includes tuition fees and other associated fees such as student services fees and technology fees. Part-time students may pay a lower tuition rate.

Room and Board

Room and board costs depend on the type of housing you choose. On-campus housing is usually more expensive than off-campus housing.

For example, a student living in an on-campus residence hall can expect to pay around $4,000 per semester for room and board. Off-campus housing costs vary depending on the location and amenities.

Books and Supplies

Books and supplies can be costly for theatre arts students. Depending on the courses you are taking, you may need to purchase textbooks, scripts, costumes, props, and other materials. The cost of books and supplies can range from a few hundred dollars to several thousand dollars per semester.

Miscellaneous Expenses

In addition to tuition, room and board, and books and supplies, there are other expenses that must be taken into consideration when budgeting for a theatre arts program.

These expenses include transportation costs (such as gas or bus fare), food costs (if you are not living in a residence hall), entertainment costs (such as tickets to plays or movies), and other miscellaneous expenses (such as clothing).Attending a theatre arts program in Riverside, California can be expensive but there are ways to reduce your costs. Many universities offer scholarships and grants that can help offset some of the expenses associated with attending college. Additionally, many universities offer work-study programs that allow students to work part-time while attending school.